Welcome to the world of Stavros Salabasopoulos, where music becomes magic. As a professional tenor, I bring my passion for singing to every performance, delivering an emotional and unforgettable experience that will leave you breathless.

The Greek Tenor Stavros Salabasopoulos has occupied himself with music through his piano studies from an early age. Later, he began his studies in classical singing and, within one year, he made his first appearance in the Children’s Department of the National Opera of Greece. Then, he left for Paris with a scholarship offered by the French State. During his studies there he has been simultaneously working for the Paris Opera. He has made several appearances on various television shows and has collaborated with significant personalities in the fields of classical music, opera theatre and art music (called “entechni” in Greek), as well as in the crossover and pop music scenes. He has performed roles of both the classical and the contemporary repertoire in countries like Italy, France, Germany and Greece, while he has also participated in Greek and International Music Festivals.